Blogger woes
As you all know the blog is hosted on Blogger, which is owned by Google. But lots of other blogs are hosted on Blogger and about 5 percent of them are splogs - or spam blogs.
The "splogosphere" generates crap content and splogs stuff themselves with links. The growth of spam blogs has accelerated in recent months, fueled by automated tools that can create blogs on Blogspot and some similar services and populate them with keyword-optimized posts and Google AdSense advertisements.
A new blog is created every second. But every 50 seconds a splog is created. But that was in 2005. Not much has changed. In the past few years Google has been trying to get rid of them but has been deleting and disabling legitimate blogs. Some blogs are moving to Wordpress after being locked out by Blogger, only to have blogging rights restored. As the International Herald Tribune puts it, it's the "guilty until proven innocent" policy.
I've put this link here as a reference in case I have to transfer to wordpress..
One victim of all this is Idiot Savant at No Right Turn, who emailed me today advising that his account was disabled because Google's automation service has identified his blog as a splog. If in the unlikelihood that he has been linking to or quoting from sites associated with,that may explain something, as the same thing happened to lots of them. Here's hoping he gets back up soon, rather than being listed here.
Update He's back up. More here
Labels: blogger, No Right Turn

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