Why vote Act?
Rodney Hide and Roger Douglas have done some calculations on Working for Families and estimates it costs the average worker $100.00 a week in lower wages.
That's a good reason to keep it as National will do. Some get more than $100 a week in WFF. Some get more in WFF than they pay in tax. Until Roger Douglas has a plan to boost wages to the amount of what most families get in WFF, then there's no way any of these people should vote Act.
Meanwhile people are being creative to cut costs. We dont pay any more than $8.00 a kilo for meat. Like some people, I got my hair cut by a trainee hairdresser for $5.00. Betcha Rodney Hide doesn't.
Labels: ACT

And those who aren't getting WFOPF just have to miss out on $100/wee.
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....meanwhile those who are getting WFOPF are missing out on Kiwisaver coz they can't afford it but they are subsidising others' Kiwisaver nest eggs - subsidising the very people who are moanining that they are subsidising those who are getting WFOPF - and some ofthese people who are getting Kiwi Saver are getting 20 hours free so they can go to work to afford kiwi saver and are getting more in childcare supplements than others are getting in WFF...
yep correct, kiwisaver is also a mistake, when will Labour learn to keep it's nose out taxpayers business.
How on earth did every day NZers with families on £100,000+ survive before WFF???
It is astonishing that welfare for these people is needed so badly... shows how terminally ill mentally New Zealanders really are.
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