Tainted love from a two faced prick
Helen Clark has said that the process of investigation into Winston Peters donations saga has been tainted from the outset, and MPs on the privileges committee have already made up their minds as to whether Winston Peters s guilty or not. She said the Privileges Committee will provide nothing to justify Peter's reinstatement.
Helen Clark says the privileges committee process has been totally unsatisfactory in terms of any natural justice. She says for that reason she is unlikely to be forced into a decision over Winston Peters this week.What utter crap. She is purposely misleading, as she later states she "very much doubts" that the committee process would do anything to reinstate Peters to his ministerial portifolios.
Well, duh, of course the committee process won't have any influence on whether Peters is reinstated or not. He was stood down because of a SFO investigation, and so a decision on reinstatement won't be made until this process has taken its course, if the Clark standard of Ministerial responsibility and dictatorship continues.
So while criticising MPs for predetermining the privileges committee outcome she has decided to publicly state - before the privileges committee report is out - that she will not sack Peters, as if the "natural justice" - or lack of it, had a significant bearing on her decision.
Helen Clark is a two faced prick. She also acts above the law.
Labels: helen clark, liar

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