Winston Peters says Owen Glenn did donate 100k to NZ First
Winston Peters has revealed that Owen Glenn did donate $100,000 to New Zealand First - but claims it never went through the party coffers. He says the money was paid through his lawyer Brian Henry to cover legal costs incurred during the Tauranga electoral petition at the last election. He claims not to have known about this donation. That does not sound credible.
Peters lost the Tauranga seat to National's Bob Clarkson, and he claimed in the petition that during the campaign Clarkson exceeded election spending limits. He lost his High Court case and and to pay $40,000 in costs. Did any of Glenn's money go towards that?
Peters' mother got such a shock when Peters rang her and told her of the donation before it got out in the media that she dropped dead.
Update No Right Turn notes that Peters may have breached parliamentary privilege for not declaring donations that he knew were funding his legal bills. Fat chance of the Privileges Committee doing anything about it though.
Labels: Owen Glenn, Winston Peters

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