Another tertiary cockup
Regular readers may recall that last year I enrolled for a tertiary paper but had to withdraw from that paper because I couldn't get the books as they didn't order enough. The school concerned refused to give me my fees back, so with the assistance of the student's association, I had to write to the Vice Chancellor to get a refund.
As it happens, the paper is a core paper for my degree so I had to sit it this year. The exam was today. The paper coordinator was kind enough to e-mail the 2008 exam paper to us to select and study the questions beforehand.
When I got to the exam I got a shock. They gave us the 2008 exam paper, alright - but it had the 2007 questions on it. It was an honest mistake, and probably very embarrassing for the paper co-ordinator, but one that really should not have happened.
So much for relieving stress levels. Although at least one of the questions were the same, all but one of the questions I had studied for were not, and I spent most of the first quarter of the exam trying to work out whether I should answer the 2007 questions or the 2008 questions I was sent and had prepared for.
What would you have done?

Clock tower, bucket of chicken and a ballista.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
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