Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Labour needs the Maori Party: The Maori Party doesn’t need Labour

So, the Greens have said it won’t work with Winston Peters in Cabinet. NZ First is not looking like it will be in Parliament, let alone in Cabinet after November 8. That is why you’ll see Helen Clark moving to encourage NZ First supporters to vote Labour to avoid wasting their vote or voting National. But Clark’s real hope of regaining power is to cosy up to the Maori Party. She just doesn’t know how to.

Lockwood Smith’s references to Pacific Islanders needing to be taught how to use toilets and showers has all been forgotten now that Michael Jones and Inga Tuigamala, from the Labour heartland, have endorsed the National Party. Michael Jones said he wants to get address the deficit model, particularly with education and, that’s exactly what the Maori Party wants to do as well. Education is a key to work and future prospects and its clear that a change of direction is needed to empower Maori and Pacific Islanders to manage businesses, not just to be employed in factories. Labour wants people to get NCEA level 1 credits, calling that an education, National wants people to get an education that will lead to jobs, not a TOP course.

It is something for the Maori Party to consider when they decide to go with National after the election. The party will be making the wrong decision for its people if it was to support Labour after the election.




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