Clark won't sack Peters - yet, but John Key would have stood him down as Minister
I suggested in an earlier post that perhaps Helen Clark will wait for the report from the Privileges Committee before determining anything with regards to the conflicting statements between Owen Glenn and Peters. And that is exactly what Clark is doing. She said in the House this afternoon that she is indeed waiting on the Privileges Committee to report. But it is not up to the Privileges Committee to report on whether on not Winston Peters lied. That's for Clark to determine. The Privileges Committee determines matters of privilege.It's a stalling tactic to get the ETS bill through.However given that NZ First has announced that it will support the ETS, Clark should suspend Peters.
Clark say that she will take Peters his word, at least until such time as she has compelling reason not to? Depends on how she defines compelling, I suppose. She should sack Peters.
In an interesting but overtimely development, John Key says Winston Peters would have been stood down if he was PM, and said he is not welcome in a National led Government unless he can provide a credible explanation on the Owen Glenn saga.
Credible to John Key, that is, not Helen Clark.
Labour's response is that Key is slippery, but he's got more balls (and principles)than Helen Clark in more ways than one.
Labels: helen clark, John Key, liars, National, Winston Peters

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