Maori Party to oppose “fire at will” bill
The Maori Party is to be congratulated for its announcement not to support the 90 day employment bill. The bill would give businesses with fewer than 20 employees the right to instantly sack new staff. Meaning an employer with 19 employees including a new problem staffer will not employ anyone else until the problem staff member is sorted, and those in secure jobs will be silly to leave a secure job for a better job in a workplace of fewer than 20 people.
The passage of this bill means that anyone who is on an benefit and gets a job, or a WINZ employer subsidy will be hoping that they get a job with a business employing at least 20 employees. Lots of unemployed will be finding out how many employees a business has and applying for positions in larger businesses.
Unions are moaning that they won’t be able to make submissions as the bill will be passed under urgency. It would be a fair bet that most union representation is for workers in businesses with more than 20 employees. Since when have unions been actively concerned for the rights of workers that are not union members?
Labels: 90 day bill, Maori Party

The losers from this will be people who are good at interviews and have a decent CV, but are pretty useless at getting work done.
The winners will be people who are bad at interviews or have problems in their past, but are good at getting work done.
Unions have a definite interest in this. If all the troublemakers go to unionized workplaces, the union will have to do more work for the same money. Also, the non-union places will be more productive and workers there will be able to command higher wages, making the union look bad.
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