Election result
This election was about trust and we don't trust Labour or NZ First. Hopefully we now have a government who we can trust, a government that will lead without lying, cheating, and stealing. For the first time in ages National and Labour could both be led by males after Helen Clark stepped down from the Labour leadership. It should be a better government provided Act is kept in check and the Maori Party has a role.
Interesting that the Bill and Ben Party polled better than the Family Party.
National 45.4%
Labour 33.7%
Green 6.4%
NZ First 4.2%
Act 3.7%
Maori 2.2%
United Future 0.9%
Progressives 0.9%
Kiwi 0.56%
Bill and Ben 0.51%
ALCP 0.36%
Family Party 0.33%
Pacific Party 0.33%
Others 0.25%
National 59
Labour 43
Green 8
Act 5
Maori 5
Progressive 1
United Future 1
Labels: Election 08

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