Nice name, pity about the content
Have many noticed the irony that the Local Government (Auckland Reorganisation) Bill - now passed - is now called the Local Government (Tamaki Makaurau Reorganisation) Bill - but allows for no Maori representatives or say by Maori. Perhaps they could change the name of the Local Government (Auckland Council) Bill, which sets out the detail of the new council. It is before a select committee now. No doubt lots of Labour and Green supporters will be making submissions.
Labels: Maori

"but allows for no Maori representatives or say by Maori"
So if a Maori-identified personage stands up to present a submission, they won't be recognised?
The bill does not allow for a say by Maori representatives. And of course a Maori identified person cannot make a submission on this bill, because it is now an Act.
Dave, are you trying to be a Dick?
If it is before a select commmittee then there will be submissions? N'est ce pas?
There is no ban on Maori personages making submissions nor is there a ban on poofters of convicted criminals. I sincerely hope there is a ban on bloggers mischievously misrepresenting things.
Adolf, it is the latter bill that is before the select committee, which of course Maori can submit to. My comments was on the former bill that is now an Act.And because it is an Act of Parliament there can't be submissions on it. Which is exactly what I said.
Sorry Dave, I missed that.
I have strong Maori ancestry and ties but I am vehemently opposed to this latter day bullshit about Maori 'representation' or lack of it.
Get off your collective arses and get your representation as New Zealanders. Earn it, for once in your sorry lives.
"but I am vehemently opposed to this latter day bullshit about Maori 'representation' or lack of it.
Get off your collective arses and get your representation as New Zealanders. Earn it, for once in your sorry lives."
What I said.
Dave, your comments about Labour & the Greens presumes no one else in NZ cares about the gutting of democracy and the de facto imposition of a dictatorship in NZ's largest city.
I'm in favour of amalgamation, but reject the reduction in democratic representation ACT and National are imposing on Auckland. Twenty councillors instead of 109 is a huge reduction in representation. That they will be elected by First Past the Post is even worse. We will likely see a majority of the future Council elected with less than 30% of the vote and the same applies to the Mayor. National's plans for Auckland are further proof of that party's hostile attitude to democracy. People of any and all parties should be up in arms about this. It affects everyone.
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