Plea to bloggers
Would people please stop linking the latest media stories on Tony Veitch. They should never have been written.
UPDATE and well done TVNZ for pulling tonight's story on Veitch.
UPDATE I see staff from Victoria University's newspaper Salient are having fun in the comments section. Immature little boys. Does editor Jackson Wood know about this - or is he part of it?
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I'm going to Veitch you if you take my comments down.
Tony's the real victim here
Now, I may sound like a bit of a PLONKER, but all I want is my blimmin edger back, Dave.
Now now you sprouty sprout sprouts. I think the best resolution to this situation would be for Dave to give Liam's toaster back and for Glenda to edge them both with help from Zoe. Now my sweet little chummy chum chums can we all get along and eat tea cakes at dave's house later?
piss ff Michael
I can't, I'll be in my car texting the Sunday papers
And I'll be conference calling Dave Crampton and John Campbell on Big News Live.
Hey Tony, how about an exclusive with Big News?
Only if me and Murray can come over for a night of passion and baking
I'm a kyke.
Would you please call me Dave? I'm not happy about your blog
Remember that night we spent together?
I agree with your lovely mother. Now get your arse here soes I can give it a good spanking.
Kykey: Fucking kyke.
I made you some cheese scones!
Dave can you score me a fourty ounce. I wanna get crunk and grind it up.
Hey Dave, we're really impressed by your blog and would like you to be our news sports presenter. Hows about it?
Fuck off Flannery, he's ours
No Dave, come to the good side. We have no scruples, no rules. We'll give you a 5 minute slot on CL every night. And I'll let you touch my boob.
I have a pet turkey!
I have boobs too, Carol
Could you pick me up some smokes lovey
So do I, but they're a big saggy. Not to mention covered in butter.
Do you like pink towels?
Dinner time Murray!
welcome to dave's diner what'll it be hun we've got pancakes and sloppy joes
Okay gotta go, ttyl gfs
Neiiiigh!! I'm a pony
My dad showed me this blog. He's a dick.
Mitre 10 Dream Home ROCKS!
Don't forget TVNZ and TV3 staff, Dave-o!
Where's your evidence, Dave?
Wouldn't want a 'journalist' making unfounded claims now, would we?
well given that you`ve already spent more than 2 hour's on my blog today....
I'm outside your house, breathing heavily.
Guess what topic of conversation is set to dominate Dave and wifey's pillow talk for the next two weeks?
*thumb down, fart sound*
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