Having a say
In a democracy, everyone should be allowed to have their say. National and Labour have colluded to prevent minor parties being present in their political debates on TV3, and TV3 caved in to their demands. Some parties have protested at their exclusion, saying that they have been gagged.
Now, nobody is to have their say as TV3 has pulled the plug and there will be no leaders debate. And its a good decision. If Clark and Key don't like it they shouldn't have been arrogant sods to start with.
TVNZ is a little more mature about things and will screen a leaders debate of the minor parties - after all it is the minor parties who will decide who gets to be the Government. TVNZ is a little more inventive too, linking up with YouTube for a leaders debate. The questions will be asked by voters and if you want to have your say you can post a video of your question right here.
What's more you can even view some of the the videos others have sent and rate them. Now that's a superb idea. Well done.
Labels: Election08

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